Confirmation bias writ large

As our Government continues to find new levels of incompetence the abandonment of reason seems to be reaching fever pitch amongst those that feel that the whole referendum thing was a huge mistake. Usually sceptical friends that ask that things be fact checked and evidence be provided have seemingly abandoned all critical thinking when it comes to the campaign to revoke article 50. The latest petition, created by someone with quite a dubious background, is watched with baited breath as the count creeps ever upwards. This petition despite all the dubious names signed up to it is seen as some … Continue reading

The BBC, Lapwings and Fake news

In this time of fake news and alternative facts you’d think the BBC ( especially given previous historic scandals ) might be careful about what those they give a platform to say in public. So as I have a slight interest in hunting and shooting I was interested as to how the BBC responded when challenged about false claims made by one of their presenters. In this case it was that darling of Birtish Wildlife programs Mr Christopher Packham. Mr Packham has been promoting his anti-shooting campaign claiming that Lapwings are being shot resulting in their numbers declining. He got … Continue reading

It’s up to you and me

A sign of the times in that on the sad news of the tragic death of David Bowie his fans rather than having a whip round to build a statue and maybe having a memorial created by public subscription have instead started a petiton asking that Lambeth council spend other peoples money to do it on their behalf. Such great fans they are that they’re happy to spend other peoples money on commemorating their idol. I am rather a fan myself and if there was a collection might well chip in, but I do have to wonder what the late … Continue reading