Great mind bit of a shit

“To the living we owe respect, but to the dead we owe only the truth.” – Voltaire This is a somewhat tricky post to write, as I have no desire to cause upset to the friends or family of the recently departed. Also one of the problems with critiquing great people is you are open to accusations of jealousy, sour grapes, trying to drag other people down and so forth. However the current sanctification of the late Dr. Hawking within my social circle has been a little grating. Given recent popular movements regarding micro-agressions, believing the victim, #MeToo and so … Continue reading

Brian Cox on climate change

I generally don’t say anything much about climate change as there are many other people out there writing about it who’ve spent far more time looking into it than I have. However the recent video of Brian Cox “explaining” climate science I think deserves some comment. I’m not going to talk about the science so much as about how he’s answering the questions. If you’ve not seen it already, here’s the video: Now I’m also going to ignore how often Senator Malcolm Roberts is interrupted and how the chair lets that pass, and just pay attention to Prof Cox (who … Continue reading

Last week else where

Apparently I still haven’t quite got the hang of this regular posting lark, so late in the week here’s some stuff from last week. Vignia introduces a new Stazi App to report your neighbour Affordable steel printing coming soon The police rebuilding links with the media by inviting them to the most salacious raids Even Nobel prize winners say peer review is broken Can we move on from everything being Left or Right wing? +6-1