An open letter to Labour supporters

Hi, I’m afraid it’s time we had a talk. I’ve been concerned about the anti-Semitic elements within and around the Labour party for a while now, but recent events have shown the problem to be much worse than I imagined. I’ve listened to what your party has said about wanting a “kinder gentler politics” and not tolerating bigotry, and yet the more this has been said the worse the problem seems to have got. I’m reminded of some of the things some of you have said about other parties in the past, how that if a party didn’t have a … Continue reading

A question for Green Party supporters

As the Green Party seem to be gaining in popularity many people have taken a look at the parties policies and in the past some people have questioned if the parties more high-profile members are really practicing what they preach. Today though neither of those things really concerns me, instead I want to ask those that support the green party or are thinking of joining the party a question. I’ve already asked this question of the Green supporters amongst my friends and not really got much of an answer. The question I have is are you comfortable with the Green … Continue reading