A letter to my MP on the matter of Brexit

Having told anyone that would listen that they should write to their MP, I thought I really should do the same – here’s what I wrote. names have been changed to protect the guilty. If you haven’t already written to your MP I strongly suggest you do so and remember a personal letter has far more weight than a cut and paste letter written as part of a campaign. If you’re not sure who your MP is or how to get in touch with them I recommend https://www.writetothem.com/

Dear Tory MP,

Whilst I know that you previously campaigned to support remaining a part of the EU, and I know that there were many reasons for holding that position – the choice between leaving or remaining in the EU being a complex one – now that the referendum has been held I trust that you will support the Government in it’s endeavour to deliver on the referendum out come.

The current Government was elected on a manifesto of both holding a referendum on our membership of the EU and on a promise of implementing the results of that referendum. The literature sent out by the Government prior to the referendum also explicitly stated that the result of the referendum would be implemented. No voice of objection was raised to that commitment at the time, and neither was any objection made to the limited reporting required by the EU referendum act.

The matter of how we leave the EU and on what terms is of course a far more complex matter, and many of the issues that may well be encountered are covered in Dr Richard Norths excellent work on Flexit ( http://www.eureferendum.com/blogview.aspx?blogno=85981 ). It is unfortunately true that the apparent terms of the article 50 mechanism doesn’t allow for much flexibility in the time table for negotiations, nor for Parliament to send back any agreement reached for further negotiation. As such I think it’s very important that Parliament offer guidance to the Government on what the goals and aims of our leaving the EU should be in at least broad out line, but then do everything to minimise the doubt and uncertainty around the UK’s leaving the EU – so as to reduce the amount of economic damage caused by such uncertainty.

As the referendum was unable to ask the more complex question of what the goal of leaving the EU would be, I present my aspirations for our departure from the EU, in the hope that they will be of assistance to you in representing your constituents views to Parliament. To try to avoid getting bogged down in endless and needless detail I’ll merely outline the main goals I hoped would be achieved by leaving the EU.

1) Regaining sovereignty of the Parliament. Sovereignty is a binary thing, either Parliament is sovereign or it is not by placing itself beholden to the EU for the creation of legislation Parliament surrendered that sovereignty, there is after all nothing to stop us adopting laws and practices that we consider to be good but for parliament to be sovereign that must be a choice.

2) To remove a needless and wasteful middleman. – vast swathes of the regulations arriving from the EU are decided at global levels by trade organisations and other bodies where the UK once had a voice. By leaving the EU we can once more speak for ourselves and to the best interest of our industries and populace, and can then implement the regulations more efficiently than is allowed by the EU.

3) To be able to trade freely and openly with the rest of the world, free of the protectionist shackles of the EU. EU policy prevents the import of cheap good from the rest of the world, preventing other countries from improving their own lot and harming consumers within the EU to protect the interests of established businesses and lobby groups.

4) To be able to set our own immigration policy that doesn’t favour white Europeans over skilled and motivated people from the rest of the world. However in resuming control of our own immigration policies we should act with kindness and honour to those that have made their home in the UK during our membership of the EU regardless of how the EU may act towards our own citizens. If we are to forge an independent path on the world stage we should do so my setting an honourable example and not by lowering ourselves to the behaviour of others.

I recognise that Parliament has a difficult and complex task ahead of it not made easier by the repeated legal challenges to what seemed to me like a clear commitment from Parliament to implement the outcome of the referendum result. I hope that Parliament will act with vision and foresight in removing ourselves from the protectionist and inward lookign confines of the EU, and open our doors to the free exchange of trade, ideas and labour with the rest of the world instead.

Yours sincerely,

Humble Peon

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