Million mask march

So I gather from the news that Anonymous are back in Trafalgar Square having some sort of anti-capitalist shindig. Whilst the million mask web site suggests it had something to do with freedom of information, communication and against state censorship the people interviewed on the telly box and quite a few of the banners I’ve seen pictures of suggests it was at least about both and every other thing under the sun people felt moved to complain about. Perhaps next year they could call it the “down with that sort of thing” march? But anyway I digress if my some … Continue reading

A tale of two walks – pt 2

It’s taken me a while to get back to this, but as promised previously here’s an account of the gathering of the “Million mask march” which took place later in the evening on the 5th. I first became aware of the plans for this march when I saw a post on FB which sadly I’ve lost the graphic of as it was rather amusing, calling for people to gather and re-enact a scene from a popular film. The virtual flyer tied it into a hodge podge of causes such as campaigning for a “chemical free Britain”, I’ve ranted before about … Continue reading

A tale of two walks – pt 1.

So November the 5th rolled round again and I went for a gentle stroll around Westminster, a whole bunch more people went for a march later as well – I’ll get to them later. As has become traditional I started in a rather pleasant public house for a drink to brace myself against the weather. The rather enthusiastic rain combined with the small number of fellow walkers meant I discarded my plan to wear Guy Fawkes make up and just went for a gentle stroll to admire the latest additions to the security theatre along Whitehall. As one of my … Continue reading