Small numbers

The BBC recently published an article about how few people are needed to make fundamental changes to a society. Titled “The 3.5% rule“, it repeats research which has been around for quite a while. Though it seems to lower the numbers required to precipitate change. One of the observations the article makes is: ” although the exact dynamics will depend on many factors, she has shown it takes around 3.5% of the population actively participating in the protests to ensure serious political change. “ The article then goes on to say: ” Once around 3.5% of the whole population has begun … Continue reading

Confirmation bias writ large

As our Government continues to find new levels of incompetence the abandonment of reason seems to be reaching fever pitch amongst those that feel that the whole referendum thing was a huge mistake. Usually sceptical friends that ask that things be fact checked and evidence be provided have seemingly abandoned all critical thinking when it comes to the campaign to revoke article 50. The latest petition, created by someone with quite a dubious background, is watched with baited breath as the count creeps ever upwards. This petition despite all the dubious names signed up to it is seen as some … Continue reading

The peoples fuck up

So there was a bit of a march in London the other day which was attended by between 120,000 and 720,000 people depending on who you listen to. This was just the latest round of the great Brexit melodrama, and was to either ensure proper democracy giving people a say on the vote or to “stop Brexit by any means necessary” and in the process make a mockery of democracy again depending on who you listen to. Our glorious leaders have ignored pretty much every demo ever held, so there no good reason to expect them to pay attention to … Continue reading