Drawing the line

Just a quick plug for Draw the line here a cartoon book from English Pen in support of the families of those that died in the Charlie Hebdo shootings. “Profits from the sale of this book will be split between English PEN’s Writers at Risk Programme, and the a fund for the victims families.” Anonymong is proud to have backed the crowdfunding to get this into print and now it is in print if you missed the crowdfunding round you can buy the book and help support both freedom of speech and those left behind by people that died because … Continue reading

Charity begins at home : suspended coffees

Taking a break from my usual inane wittering to share a post that’s been doing the rounds on the book of face as I think it’s actually a really cool idea. It helps those in need in your area and also local coffee shops and may even help with that whole local community thing. As I probably count as someone with a vague Christian/Libertarian view I’m rather keen on personal charity and personal responsibility, so this is an easy way to put that into action. For those of my readers that identify as Libertarians and have Libertarian leaning blogs, we’re … Continue reading

Liberty Forum London

Thanks to a post over at SamizData my attention was brought to the upcoming Liberty League Freedom Forum in London. the line up of speakers and talks looks good and being close enough to not need accommodation at £25 quid it’d be daft not to. Given my recent fun and games with Drinkaury I’m really quite looking forward to these talks: Chris Snowdon, Director of the Lifestyle Economics Unit at the Institute of Economic Affairs, and author of “Sock Puppets: How the government lobbies itself and why”, on “Are you paying for Prohibition?” Wolf von Laer, chairman of European Students … Continue reading