Finding the real Puritans

(This article first appeared on Drinkuary.) A few days back, a friend of mine linked me to an article on “Christian anger over booze filled advent calendars. Now, the person in question isn’t normally in the habit of reading the Daily Mail, so not quite sure how it caught their attention, but they thought it would be nice for me to have “some real Puritans to get [my] teeth into”. So with such a challenge I of course had to take a look at the article. In a completely unsurprising turn of events, the article is almost completely manufactured puff … Continue reading

Drinkuary returns

It is that time of year once more when the puritans once more fill the airwaves and bill boards with exhortations to abstinence and to pay them for indulgences to forgive us our evil fun filled ways. However fear not for Drinkuary has not gone away and is once more saying “enough already” – and this year they’d like to hear from you! Yes you, you at the back holding your pint, and you with your bottle of spirits, and you with the glass of wine, and you with the alcopop, and you enjoying a quiet sherry and especially you … Continue reading

Greasing up the slippery slope

[This is a repost of an article that was first posted on Drinkuary] We’ve been a bit quiet of late but we’ve not gone away. Whilst alcohol control has largely left the headlines amidst rumours that minimum pricing will be dropped (though that’s still only rumours) it’s not as though the puritans have stopped their activities. Do you remember how years ago it was just one carriage of a train you couldn’t smoke in and then it was all of the train, well I’d hate to say that it’s a template which gets used a lot but… Eastcoast mainline will … Continue reading