Selective memory at bexley council

This is slightly old news but I just found out about it from Bexley Councils shiny propaganda sheet. Some of you may recall that Olly Cromwell got into trouble for trying to film the council so much so that they called the police on him. Back in June of 2013 filming the council was banned in August Eric Pickles told them off over the matter. So as late as August 2013 filming was banned, and the likes of Olly Cromwell were being banned and chucked out of attending public meetings, yet by November of the very same year all that … Continue reading

Public service announcement

A while back I mentioned that Olly Cromwells site was having problems, it’s still down and his provider are being oddly silent, however he’s back on a new address and still on form. So if you’ve been missing young Mr Cromwells florid prose you can currently find him on: An account of the trials and tribulations with his previous hosting provider can be found in the first post. +3-1

Bad news from Bexley

I’m sad to report that it’s bad news from Bromley court, the Cunts in Bexley Council have managed to get young Olly Cromwell sentenced to 12 month community service order AND a 5 year restraining order plus £620 costs. As Max says that sounds like Olly can’t attend council meetings so an apparently very obvious denial of his democratic rights. I’m hoping there’ll be a whip round to  help with costs, and I suspect that I’ll have a sudden urge to attend more council meetings. I’m expecting that Gareth Bacon still won’t comment possibly citing appeals, or failing that both … Continue reading