From hashtag to witch hunt #MeToo

It’s now just under a month since the #MeToo hashtag took off. Amongst my friends this happened shortly after someone moved from a bit dodgy to violence. The initial idea that people post if they had been subject to assault or harassment to show how wide-spread the problem is, had (in my opinion) merit and caused some interesting discussions. I posted a somewhat lengthy “#MeToo” myself, as like quite a few people of both sexes I’ve been on many sides of “#MeToo”. I’ve been assaulted (not seriously), harassed and taken advantage of but I’ve also not always been quick to … Continue reading

It’s up to you and me

A sign of the times in that on the sad news of the tragic death of David Bowie his fans rather than having a whip round to build a statue and maybe having a memorial created by public subscription have instead started a petiton asking that Lambeth council spend other peoples money to do it on their behalf. Such great fans they are that they’re happy to spend other peoples money on commemorating their idol. I am rather a fan myself and if there was a collection might well chip in, but I do have to wonder what the late … Continue reading

Hunting, poaching and witch hunts

There has of late been an awful lot of fuss in social media and the press about the death of a retrospectively famous lion called “Cecil”, I’ve generally kept out of it. However as I was (by coincidence) taken hunting at the weekend which has resulted in some discussion amongst my group of friends I thought I might as well comment. First lets deal with the really really easy bit, as far as I’ve been able to determine from the reports I’ve seen “Cecil” was killed by a poacher who did a really bad job of it. That the poacher … Continue reading