Another day, another terror attack

This week has been London’s turn to be the latest target of Islamic terrorist activity, and all of the usual platitudes and nonsense has been wheeled out. Exactly the same as last time and the time before that. The police and powers that be are worried about yet another anti-Muslim back lash, even though there’s not been one yet. Our glorious leaders are saying we must carry on as normal whilst surrounding themselves with the more blocks of concrete, whilst demanding we give up more freedom. we’re assured it’s a lone wolf attack that has immediately led to 7 other … Continue reading

This is it boys, this is war

Yesterday our parliament had a rather long debate on if we should extend our bombing operations in Iraq into Syria to join the multinational effort to tackle Da’esh. There’s been an awful lot said about this both before and after the vote so I’m afraid I’m unlikely to add any massive insight, but for what it’s worth here’s my rambling take on matters. Whilst Mr Cameron did make a bit of an idiot mistake in casting the “terrorist sympathizer” comment a bit wide, it is sadly true that both Mr Corbyn and Mr McDonnell have track records of sympathizing with … Continue reading

When is a Muslim not a Muslim?

I’m quite sure that other people have covered this better than I will, or they will do shortly. I’m also quite sure this isn’t anything terribly new, however if I read one more comment saying: “They’re not a Muslim” I think I shall possibly have to at the very least have a very stiff Gin no matter what the time of day. I thought that in this day of identity politics we have to respect how people self identify, and an awful lot of people going round beheading people, burning people and doing other not very nice things seem to … Continue reading