Registering with the Raw Tobacco Scheme – Revisted

Long term readers here may recall that a while back I registered with the HMRC for their raw tobacco scheme as I sometimes grow the stuff for various purposes, mainly wine making, and of course because the regulations are insane. Well as it’s a new year I received a letter asking me to let them know if “Raw Tobacco approval” was still required, which was all quite expected. As the decorative varieties didn’t take that well and the smokable varieties are getting out competed by the cobb nut trees and grape vines I’m not bothering this year, though maybe next … Continue reading

Breaking : Just 3D print it – lose again

News just in Ryan Simms and the other cockwombles over at Just 3D theft have lost another court case. This makes the score 2-1 against Just 3D idiots and the one they won was basically by a very bizarre default and is being appealed. Which rather makes their previous missive to me even more ludicrous. The highlights of todays order include such gems as : The judge determining that Loubie did indeed hold copyright to her model, despite Ryan Simms claims otherwise. Which unless I’m much mistaken means by implication the judge just ruled that Just 3D Theft did in … Continue reading

Just 3D sue it

The saga of the charming folk at Just3D Print continues, or at least rumbles on, after their last missive to me, I obviously wrote back to them asking for a little clarification: “Ryan, Thanks for getting in touch. Whilst you say that you’ve been “cleared of any wrong-doing in court” I can’t help but wonder about the veracity of this as: 1) You don’t mention the fact that you lost your case against TechCrunch which was based on very similar claims – so as you lost that one presumably you’ve been found guilty of thousands of instances of copy right … Continue reading