Internet freedom and you

Part 1 – A handful of beads The internet has been and is still widely touted as a huge bastion of freedom, a virtual wild west, new and uncharted lands not to mention numerous other metaphors aimed to convince us that it can herald in a utopia of untold freedoms. Now of course none of that was ever true, the apparent freedoms all relied on expensive equipment paid for and managed by businesses and bits of government of varying sizes. The freedoms existed because what was going on was largely unnoticed and not understood by those that might want to … Continue reading

Images, logos and plans

Not quite the second post I’d expected to write, but the others are taking longer than I expected, so I thought I’d share a few graphics instead, partly in response to anonymous comment to my last post and in response to something Old Holborn is talking about. A while back I had the idea of printing small moo/business cards with a suitable logo on them and some text on the back that might prompt a spark of thought in people. I’d then leave them in books in book shops, tucked into poster frames and where ever else people might happen … Continue reading

Thoughts from a little walk

This may be an odd sort of first post to my first real journal, so I’ll back fill later, but for now I’m going to stick to the cause of me getting round to trying to write something a bit more useful than I normally do. The other day I came home early from a holiday where I get to spend several days with some excellent people that I don’t see often enough ( Time, money, circumstances all the usual excuses). I did this to join Old Holborn for his little walk. I had two hopes for the walk, that … Continue reading