Drawing the line

Just a quick plug for Draw the line here a cartoon book from English Pen in support of the families of those that died in the Charlie Hebdo shootings. “Profits from the sale of this book will be split between English PEN’s Writers at Risk Programme, and the a fund for the victims families.” Anonymong is proud to have backed the crowdfunding to get this into print and now it is in print if you missed the crowdfunding round you can buy the book and help support both freedom of speech and those left behind by people that died because … Continue reading

When is a Muslim not a Muslim?

I’m quite sure that other people have covered this better than I will, or they will do shortly. I’m also quite sure this isn’t anything terribly new, however if I read one more comment saying: “They’re not a Muslim” I think I shall possibly have to at the very least have a very stiff Gin no matter what the time of day. I thought that in this day of identity politics we have to respect how people self identify, and an awful lot of people going round beheading people, burning people and doing other not very nice things seem to … Continue reading