Three excellent post #Brexit posts

I’m still organizing my thoughts about the result of the EU referendum, particularly in the face of all of the vitriol and anti-democratic bile currently coming from those that voted to remain (so much for a kinder, gentler politics). So I’ll be returning to this in due course. In the meantime here are three truly excellent comments on the matter which capture quite a lot of what I’m thinking. Rich Nolan on what the referendum was and wasn’t What the referendum was: A vote to leave the political institution the EU. What the referendum was not: Anti-Europe A vote to … Continue reading

The Scottish case for Brexit

I’ve heard tell all over the place that Scotland is very much against Brexit. Now I don’t know how true this is I doubt anyone does – but regardless I’d like to present the Scottish argument for Brexit*. Taking Responsibility by moving all Governing Powers to Britain You would like to get the opportunity to move more responsibilities to a more local British Democracy instead of accept the fate of Brussels plans? With all the powers moved to Britain, we can make a fairer Britain. Britain has the resources and finances Britain has the resources and finances to become independent. … Continue reading

EU say tomato….

Given I’m rather in favour of leaving the EU (more of which later) I thought I’d look at some of the things been said by those who hold the differing view. Both sides I’m afraid are making a lot of capital out of the confusion between: The European Union – the political body we’re discussing leaving Europe the continent which we are rather adjacent to and that isn’t going to change The European Court of Human Rights which has nothing to do with the European Union The European Convention on Human rights which also has nothing to do with the … Continue reading