Interesting times

A rare occurrence honesty and forthrightness being spoken in the European parliament: Also also reported by: Samizdata , Douglas Carswell, The Salted Slug, Guido, NightJack, Pox Angolorum, More to life than shoes, Iain Dale and Cranmer also on the front page of the Drudge report (A transcript can be found: here) and finally some words from the man himself. It’s well worth spending three and a half minutes listening to and then sharing far and wide. Apart from the excellent speech Brown’s behavior during it (only shown towards the end) also seems quite informative to me at least. Meanwhile reportedly … Continue reading

Civil contingencies unlikely

If you’re reading this, chances are you already read the Libertarian party blog, but on the off chance you don’t go and read this. A very compelling argument for why the use of the civil contingencies act is most unlikely at this time. I find myself pretty much unable to argue with a single point of it. Most compelling of course is that Gordon Brown has a well proven track record of bottling it. +2-1

And Blunkett makes three.

Following the old maxim of not believing anything until it has been officially denied three times, I think it is safe to now accept that even if we’re not yet a police or surveillance society we’re definitely heading that way at a considerable rate of knots and it’s no longer paranoid to be worried about it. +2-1