Talking about religion

Whilst we’re on the subject of religion, I notice that His Grace Archbishop Cranmer has just launched a campaign to tell the state to mind it’s own business when it inquires as to what particular religious belief we may or may not observe. Now never being one to miss a passing band wagon and being keen on the state paying far less interest in what we might be doing as long as we’re not causing harm*. So as such I’m quite happy to plug His Graves “mind your own” campaign and hope that many other follow suit. As he so … Continue reading

Rambling about religion

This post has been stumbling around my head for a while now, like a drunk goth trying to find their way out of an unfamiliar club – but thanks to a couple of posts from Captain Ranty (one of which has been removed but I saw by the wonders of RSS and the other of which is here) my thoughts seem to have stumbled in a rather dazed fashion into a semblance of coherence. I’m afraid this article is going to be about religion and worse than that Catholicism and the Pope – and if that wasn’t bad enough I’m … Continue reading

What no Muhammad?

A friend brought this article over at the Wall street journal to my attention, it seems that a German Islamic scholar,Muhammad Sven Kalisch, has suggested that perhaps the prophet Muhammad never existed Unfortunately the article doesn’t go into much detail about his thinking, but there is of course a forth coming book, what I find interesting so far and will I suspect prove even more interesting when the book comes out is peoples reactions to this idea. As the professor says questioning the existence of Jesus and the historical accuracy of religious books is a well established tradition except in … Continue reading