Corbyn vote remain because Labour is useless

I may be missing something here, I often am, but as far as I can see Mr Corbyns calls to remain in the EU to protect workers rights is basically an admission that Labour are useless, will never be in power again or won’t protect workers rights if they are. some of you may think I’ve lost the plot here, but bear with me. The day after a Leave vote not a single UK law will be repealed or changed, in fact not a single UK law will be repealed or changed without the say so of Parliament. Now that … Continue reading

Brexit pledges all bollox

In the run up to the EU referendum I can’t help but notice that both sides have spent an awful lot of effort in pledging that if we vote leave/remain then this that or the other will happen. They’ve also spent about as much time rubbishing the pledges made by the other side. A quick search of the news shows how much time and effort has been spent making and reporting on these pledges. Now in many things with regards to the EU referendum we simply don’t know what will happen, we have some guesses in the short term but … Continue reading

Nice economy shame if anything were to happen to it

Time and again I hear that if we were to leave the EU our economy would suffer. Now that in it self is a reasonable enough argument but almost always one of the reasons given for our economy suffering is that the EU would punish us for leaving. By way of example : “Project fear is a fitting name you should be fucking terrified” “The EU member states (France and Germany especially) know this, and will be out to punish us, they will want nothing more than to watch us have 3 years where we trash our economy, only to … Continue reading