A tale of two trains

Yesterday a man was deliberately pushed under a tube train at Kentish town station and thankfully a man has been arrested in relation to this. This was reported in the news, but if you look on twitter there’s no hashtag and outside of the news channels what you’ll find is largely: The man who was pushed under the train suffered life threatening injuries and the crime is being treated as attempted murder, by comparison the day before someone got handed a card accusing them of being fat due to eating too much. This made them cry and left them a … Continue reading

Straight men can’t wear dresses #NUSWomen15

I honestly thought that the Yesterdays article would be all I had to say about the NUS Womens conference – it’s certainly more than I really wanted to write. I’d actually stopped following the #NUSWomen15 tag, when as is the manner of these things this gem ambled across my gaze: Which rather puzzled me as I had seen the motion in question yesterday and had mentioned it in my previous post, it was this one: The motion was that ‘cross-dressing” for fancy dress was to be condemned and that unions should ban events that “permit or encourage” cisgender people to … Continue reading

The perils of jazz hands #nuswomen15

The NUS Women’s Conference has caused a bit of a stir on twitter recently. The conference could well have gone unnoticed as many of these things do except they were using Twitter as though it were a private forum and made this rather ill-judged tweet: Which is on the face of it a bit silly – to say the least. Giving the people who made the request every benefit of the doubt, some people do find large noisy crowds stressful and if someone is experiencing discomfort near you – you should probably check that they’re OK. That said if you … Continue reading