Insanity prevails

I will get round to muttering about more high-profile vents in due course (probably, unless I don’t) but mean time a slow burning bit of insanity that I’ve muttered about before continues. It seems that Leicestershire Police have become the 9th police force to decide that “subculture” is a definition for a hate crime category. The Sophie Lancaster charity think that “alternative subcultures” deserve treatment from the police. Now as one of those dodgy alternative types and someone who had the pleasure of joining Leicesters knife crime statistics you might think that I’d welcome this development, but as you might … Continue reading

And so it came to pass

As I don’t get to say I told you so very often I really couldn’t let this pass – even though it was ever so obvious. A while back I questioned the wisdom of expanding hate crime to all subcultures. I even made some pictures observing that it would include people that those calling for such an expansion might not like. My psychic skills were apparently working that day as a mere year down the road Kent police are investigating the vandalism of UKIP posters as… hate crime. I wonder if the young chap photographing himself burning UKIP signs will … Continue reading

Do you really support protecting all sub cultures against hate crime?

My friends feed continues to be full of people rejoicing at Greater Manchester police not treating everyone as equal before the law, and calling for the extension of hate crime legislation to include alternative subcultures and as the Sophie Lancaster campaign says: “To campaign to have the UK Hate Crime legislation extended to include people from alternative subcultures or Lifestyle and Dress.” The press is even being terribly glad about it and people are writing articles praising this new attack on equality. Last time I checked assault was illegal and so was harassment so there is recourse if you need … Continue reading