An open letter to Labour supporters

Hi, I’m afraid it’s time we had a talk. I’ve been concerned about the anti-Semitic elements within and around the Labour party for a while now, but recent events have shown the problem to be much worse than I imagined. I’ve listened to what your party has said about wanting a “kinder gentler politics” and not tolerating bigotry, and yet the more this has been said the worse the problem seems to have got. I’m reminded of some of the things some of you have said about other parties in the past, how that if a party didn’t have a … Continue reading

Labours Magic Money Tree

This alleged proof of Labours sense just convinces me they are actually as mad as a box of frogs. Ignoring that a “fat cat” tax is to my mind immoral, and that reducing inheritance tax isn’t a give away it’s letting people do what they like with their own money – unless you think that everything you own belongs to the state at the moment of your death. Charging VAT on private schools is also daft as people going to private schools are still paying in taxation for state schools they’re not using, the more people that pay for private … Continue reading

Jeremy Corbyn joined up thinking

As Mr Corbyn seems to be terribly popular amongst many people I know and the wider populace this bit of joined up thinking of his has left me terrible amused. It seems that Mr Corbyn is all for re-opening old coal pits “When asked by the BBC whether harnessing more coal would mean reopening North pits, he said: “Where you can re-open pits, yes, and where you can do clean burn coal technology, yes. “I think we can develop coal technology. Let’s do so because energy prices around the world are going up. Open cast mining is not acceptable, deep … Continue reading