The BBC, Lapwings and Fake news

In this time of fake news and alternative facts you’d think the BBC ( especially given previous historic scandals ) might be careful about what those they give a platform to say in public. So as I have a slight interest in hunting and shooting I was interested as to how the BBC responded when challenged about false claims made by one of their presenters. In this case it was that darling of Birtish Wildlife programs Mr Christopher Packham. Mr Packham has been promoting his anti-shooting campaign claiming that Lapwings are being shot resulting in their numbers declining. He got … Continue reading

Brian Cox on climate change

I generally don’t say anything much about climate change as there are many other people out there writing about it who’ve spent far more time looking into it than I have. However the recent video of Brian Cox “explaining” climate science I think deserves some comment. I’m not going to talk about the science so much as about how he’s answering the questions. If you’ve not seen it already, here’s the video: Now I’m also going to ignore how often Senator Malcolm Roberts is interrupted and how the chair lets that pass, and just pay attention to Prof Cox (who … Continue reading

Jeremy Corbyn joined up thinking

As Mr Corbyn seems to be terribly popular amongst many people I know and the wider populace this bit of joined up thinking of his has left me terrible amused. It seems that Mr Corbyn is all for re-opening old coal pits “When asked by the BBC whether harnessing more coal would mean reopening North pits, he said: “Where you can re-open pits, yes, and where you can do clean burn coal technology, yes. “I think we can develop coal technology. Let’s do so because energy prices around the world are going up. Open cast mining is not acceptable, deep … Continue reading