Probably just me
This is probably just me but…. Are they related? I think we should be told. 00
This is probably just me but…. Are they related? I think we should be told. 00
As Mr Corbyn seems to be terribly popular amongst many people I know and the wider populace this bit of joined up thinking of his has left me terrible amused. It seems that Mr Corbyn is all for re-opening old coal pits “When asked by the BBC whether harnessing more coal would mean reopening North pits, he said: “Where you can re-open pits, yes, and where you can do clean burn coal technology, yes. “I think we can develop coal technology. Let’s do so because energy prices around the world are going up. Open cast mining is not acceptable, deep … Continue reading
Once more it seems Labour are in the news for thinking that flying the English flag is racist, now the article concerned is an old one but signs are the view it expresses isn’t. Though of course the candidate concerned has since claimed they no longer hold those views, but as that’s rejected when it comes to UKIP candidates and the like I see no reason to accept it from a candidate for one of the established parties. The article has prompted Mr Farage to say that “Labour hate England”. I think he’s actually wrong on that and also doesn’t … Continue reading