The wonderful world of newspeak

I think this week I may have to finally give up on hoping for any coherence or consistency when it comes to politics. Now obviously I gave up on that years ago with the press and politicians but I liked to give my friends a little more credit. Now a lot of my friends are rather left leaning but they’re still good people and in the normal course of events individually tend to be well-informed and able to hold a reasoned argument – but as with so many of us let them on the internet and social media and you … Continue reading

A Rambling observation on recent events

A new president of the United States of America has just taken office, and this event seems to have caused some people to lose the plot. I can understand why many people are worried about the actions that President Trump may take and why many people don’t think him a terribly nice person. He’s not my president because I’m not an American so I’m also really not in much of a position to make judgement on his policies or anything else – so I’m not going to. I’ll wait and see what he actually does rather than what he said … Continue reading

Trumped up technobabble

I wouldn’t normally comment on things geeky or for that matter on foreign political affairs, some might say I don’t normally comment on anything much, however I was recently linked to an article which was so badly written it hurt. The technical “experts” in the article are also either being grossly misrepresented or are privy to further information that hasn’t been made available to the rest of us – that or they’ve checked the brains in before commenting, I really rather hope it’s the first. So the thrust of the article at The slate is that Mr Trump, or at … Continue reading