Well meaning but…

I work in IT and I’m sure I’ve made decisions that have puzzled people or made them wonder what sort of special idiot I am. Fortunately for me most of what I’ve done hasn’t really had significant real world consequences. The same can not be said of the new surveillance detecting tool from Amnesty, Privacy International and the EFF. This new spyware detecting tool is called Deteckt and is aimed at people who fear they may be at risk of targeted surveillance. Now I’m sure that the people that wrote it are both very clever and well meaning, however if … Continue reading

Last week elsewhere

Another week another round up of links, next trick remember to find time to write stuff in between link round ups. Hopefully I’ve resolved recent server issues otherwise I need to change where I host this. Josh responds to climate foolishness on XKCD Bob Crow was resting up before his members go on strike (again) Velvet glove, Iron fist – provides a bit of a retrospective of the slippery slope (which doesn’t exist honest) Jacob Rees-Mogg makes some very reasoned objections to the latest financial monarch bashing LegIron has an awfully amusing idea The NSA use data from one warrant … Continue reading

Son of Echelon

Breaking what’s becoming far too frequent radio silence, and I do apologise for that but life keeps happening, to mutter about John Snowdons revelations. I’m going to try and do the tricky thing and not talk about Mr Snowdon or his plight but concentrate on what he revealed. The revelations about operation Prism remind me of a long time ago in the earlier days of the internet and the rumours abounding about something called “Echelon”. This was a supposed system whereby the US government collected and snooped on everyone’s emails and everything else they did. This led to people adopting … Continue reading