Another day, another terror attack

This week has been London’s turn to be the latest target of Islamic terrorist activity, and all of the usual platitudes and nonsense has been wheeled out. Exactly the same as last time and the time before that. The police and powers that be are worried about yet another anti-Muslim back lash, even though there’s not been one yet. Our glorious leaders are saying we must carry on as normal whilst surrounding themselves with the more blocks of concrete, whilst demanding we give up more freedom. we’re assured it’s a lone wolf attack that has immediately led to 7 other … Continue reading

A Rambling observation on recent events

A new president of the United States of America has just taken office, and this event seems to have caused some people to lose the plot. I can understand why many people are worried about the actions that President Trump may take and why many people don’t think him a terribly nice person. He’s not my president because I’m not an American so I’m also really not in much of a position to make judgement on his policies or anything else – so I’m not going to. I’ll wait and see what he actually does rather than what he said … Continue reading

A letter to my MP on the matter of Brexit

Having told anyone that would listen that they should write to their MP, I thought I really should do the same – here’s what I wrote. names have been changed to protect the guilty. If you haven’t already written to your MP I strongly suggest you do so and remember a personal letter has far more weight than a cut and paste letter written as part of a campaign. If you’re not sure who your MP is or how to get in touch with them I recommend Dear Tory MP, Whilst I know that you previously campaigned to support … Continue reading