Wenlocks ever watchful eye

The London Olympics may be long gone, but the legislation lingers on. Now many of would thing that a word that was invented in ancient Greece might not be subject to copyright, but we’d be wrong. It turns out that as far as the Olympic committee is concerned no one can refer to Olympic Games with out their permission. Now you might thing that only starting in the lat 1800’s that the modern Olympics might be coming a bit late to the party to claim ownership of a tradition millennia old, but it seems they view things differently. Not only … Continue reading

Oh the humanity

I recently stumbled across this article, proving yet again that with the SJW brigade the only way to win is not to play their game. Sadly it seems the makers of Cards Against Humanity, a game I’m rather fond of, haven’t learnt this lesson yet though I’d hope they’re by now catching on. If you don’t know “Cards Against Humanity”, or CAH as it’s often known, is in it’s own words “is a party game for horrible people”. It’s based on making humorous sentences/responses based on randomly drawn cards that are by design largely in bad taste and ideal for … Continue reading

A year since the Charlie Hebdo attack

Today is a year since the attack on the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris and the murder of some of the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists, as well as related attacks on a kosher supermarket. A year down the line it seems to me impossible to conclude anything but that the attack was a roaring success and that the terrorists have, by any metric you choose, won. I’m not going to really say anything which other people haven’t already said better, but the claim of “Je Suis Charlie” was weak from the start with few people or publications actually prepared to show … Continue reading