Haters or marketing?

I know there are more important things going on, but I’ve already done most of the digging on this because it’s the sort of thing I enjoy and I’ve been accused of taking a deliberately contrary position just for the sake of it. the reason for this accusation was because I suggested that the whole Over weight haters incident could have been a hoax for publicity purposes. I wasn’t alone in thinking this and Rosa Mundi has a very good article on some of the reasons why it seems likely it’s a scam. Much of what I’m going to say … Continue reading

A tale of two trains

Yesterday a man was deliberately pushed under a tube train at Kentish town station and thankfully a man has been arrested in relation to this. This was reported in the news, but if you look on twitter there’s no hashtag and outside of the news channels what you’ll find is largely: The man who was pushed under the train suffered life threatening injuries and the crime is being treated as attempted murder, by comparison the day before someone got handed a card accusing them of being fat due to eating too much. This made them cry and left them a … Continue reading

A tale of two walks – pt 2

It’s taken me a while to get back to this, but as promised previously here’s an account of the gathering of the “Million mask march” which took place later in the evening on the 5th. I first became aware of the plans for this march when I saw a post on FB which sadly I’ve lost the graphic of as it was rather amusing, calling for people to gather and re-enact a scene from a popular film. The virtual flyer tied it into a hodge podge of causes such as campaigning for a “chemical free Britain”, I’ve ranted before about … Continue reading